Blended Learning
Home Learning
In the event of a national or local lockdown, this page will act as the hub for our home learning content. Each class page has a tab that will take you to your child’s daily home learning. Please hover on your child’s year group tab where you will find additional tabs; Monday – Friday. Here is where you will find the tasks we would like your child to complete. These lessons will all work towards meeting the national curriculum however we will not be marking this work.
Below you will find some links to various websites that will support your children in the English and Maths learning. Click on any image to visit each website:
Sites such as Times Tables Rockstars and Reading Eggs should also be used to compliment learning:
Your child should know their password to access Times Tables Rock Stars and Reading Eggs. If this is not the case please contact the school office.
Coronavirus (COVID 19): list of online education resources for home education
Additional list of available online education resources.
Phonics Lesson Videos for Home
In school, we use a programme called Letters and Sounds to teach phonics.
To help support children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 with their return to school after the closure, Letters and Sounds have released phonics lessons for free for parents and children to access at home.
All the lessons are taught by experienced teachers in just the same way as the children are taught in school.
There are lessons for Reception (Phase 2 Phonics), Year 1 (Phase 3 Phonics) and Year 2 (Phase 5 Phonics) but the children in Year 1 and Year 2 are also able to use the Reception lessons to consolidate Phase 2 before moving on.
The lessons do not need to be completed on the date given. They can be done at anytime and can be repeated as often as needed but they do need to be completed in the order given on the list.
A series called Learning to Blend is beginning on 2nd November to support children who may know which sounds the letter(s) make but they find it difficult to blend those sounds together to make a word.
To access all these lessons, go to the Letters and Sounds website.
Click on the heading called Videos at Home and it will give you an overview option and all the year groups. Each year group has a list of all the lessons for this half term.
Myon – online reading
Below is a link to a fantastic online resource to read plenty of books. Every child in the school has a password to access thousands of books.
Your child does not have to have internet access to access these books. Just download the app on your device and so long as they have downloaded some in school into their library they can access them from anywhere.
In the school name please put St Paul’s RC Primary (as there are lots of St Paul’s schools). Your chid will know their username and password. Please contact the school office if they can’t remember it.