Year 6!
Miss Kaur (Class Teacher) and Miss Horsley (LSA)
Our Class Saint is Maximilian Kolbe
Maximilian Kolbe was born in Poland in 1894, who had a devotion to Our Lady. He became Franciscan priest and during WW11, he was arrested by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp. Maximilian died in Auschwitz because he wanted to save another prisoner.
How can we be like Saint Maximilian?
We think about St Maximilian Kolbe and how he was a missionary. He travelled the world and informed people of the life of Mary and Jesus. St Maximilian Kolbe formed the Knight of the Immaculata, which later developed a magazine. He used what he had learned about Mary to help others around him, which was a challenge for him considering that he was persecuted for his beliefs.
Our Catholic Social Teaching for this half term is Family and Community
Our Catholic Social Teaching for this term is about Family and Community. We will consider how God made us to be part of a wider community and family. In so doing, we will gain a deeper understanding of how to work for the good of each all and how to share our gifts with one another. As humans we are not created to live alone, but with one another as a community and a family. We will consider how our common duty to care for one another is worked out in our actions and aim to foster these values in ourselves through prayer and practice.
Our values and virtues for this half term are Attentive and Discerning
In Year 6, this half-term our values and virtues are being attentive and discerning. We will spend time considering how we are attentive to our experiences and how they can shape not only our present but also our future path in life. We will dig deep into thinking about the difference between a job and a vocation and pray about where God might be leading us with our individual gifts. We hope that this will in some way begin to shape our future vocation. Alongside this, will develop a greater understanding of what it means to be discerning; think about how discernment should shape our decision making to always do the right thing, and in the interest and needs of others so that we can have a positive impact on the lives of those around us.
RE - Spring 2
Baptism and Confirmation
In this unit the children will learn about the celebration of
the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. They will
explore the signs and symbols of both these Sacraments
and will hear about the gift of the Holy Spirit being given in
the celebration of these Sacraments
In this unit the children will learn about the celebration of
the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. They will
explore the signs and symbols of both these Sacraments
and will hear about the gift of the Holy Spirit being given in
the celebration of these Sacraments.
Holy Week
In this unit the children will learn about the passion of
Jesus from the events that took place in the Garden of
Gethsemane through to the death of Jesus on the cross.
They will find out some reasons why Christians have
described the death of Jesus as a sacrifice.
Please ensure that your child reads for at least 10 minutes each evening and sign their diary.
Children will be given new spellings each Friday, please test your child on these each day.
Times tables
As well as TT Rockstars, the children will be given a specific times table to learn each week. Please test your child on this.
Children will be given weekly maths homework which will look at securing the following concepts: the four operations, fractions, decimals, percentages, geometry, time, money and BODMAS.
Class Notices
- Please remember to bring a water bottle to school.
- Remember to read and complete your TT Rockstars each evening for at least 10 minutes.
- Don't forget to bring your reading book, diary and knowledge organiser to school each day.
- PE is on a Friday so remember to wear your PE kit to school.