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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.



Year 6!


Miss Kaur (Class Teacher) and Miss Horsley (LSA)

Our Class Saint is Maximilian Kolbe

St. Maximilian Kolbe: martyr of supreme sacrifice of life - Vatican News

Maximilian Kolbe was born in Poland in 1894, who had a devotion to Our Lady. He became Franciscan priest and during WW11, he was arrested by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp. Maximilian died in Auschwitz  because he wanted to save another prisoner. 

How can we be like Saint Maximilian?

We think about St Maximilian Kolbe and how he was a missionary. He travelled the world and informed people of the life of Mary and Jesus. St Maximilian Kolbe formed the Knight of the Immaculata, which later developed a magazine. He used what he had learned about Mary to help others around him, which was a challenge for him considering that he was persecuted for his beliefs.

Our Catholic Social Teaching for this half term is Solidarity

The Catholic Social Teaching of Solidarity reminds us that we belong to each other. This is a wonderful truth that we reflect on when we take part in Mass and are reminded of how Jesus gave his life for us. Solidarity encourages us to support and love our sisters and brothers, especially those living in poverty. Not only this, but we will spend time looking at what it means to show solidarity in our faith with one another as peers and friends of this school. We look forward to looking at those who have gone before us like St Maximillian Kolbe and St Paul himself to spur us on to acts of solidarity.

Our values and virtues for this half term are Grateful and Generous.

In Year 6, we will encourage children to consider their gifts and be grateful for what God has given them We pray that they will come to know how truly blessed they are and how others are blessed too. We will consider how we can put to use the gifts that are given to us so that we are instrumental in the lives of others and God’s kingdom too. We will look at the example of those who are truly blessed in showing their generosity of their gifts and hope to be inspired by their lives so that we too are generous with our time, resources and actions.


RE - Spring 1


In this unit of work the children will explore the story of the birth of Christ from the Gospel of St. Matthew and the Gospel of St. Luke. They will also learn about some images of Christ that are found in the Prologue to the Gospel of St. John and reflect on why the celebration of this event is so important to the church.

Baptism and Confirmation

In this unit the children will learn about the celebration of
the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. They will
explore the signs and symbols of both these Sacraments
and will hear about the gift of the Holy Spirit being given in
the celebration of these Sacraments



Year 2 weekly Homework (12/11/2020) - Allanson Street Primary School


Please ensure that your child reads for at least 10 minutes each evening and sign their diary.


Children will be given new spellings each Friday, please test your child on these each day.

Times tables

As well as TT Rockstars, the children will be given a specific times table to learn each week. Please test your child on this.


Children will be given weekly maths homework which will look at securing the following concepts: the four operations, fractions, decimals, percentages, geometry, time, money and BODMAS.

Class Notices

Posters | Handwashing | CDC

  • Please remember to bring a water bottle to school.
  • Remember to read and complete your TT Rockstars each evening for at least 10 minutes.
  • Don't forget to bring your reading book, diary and knowledge organiser to school each day.  
  • PE is on a Friday so remember to wear your PE kit to school.