Mental Health and Well-being
Statement of intent
At St. Paul’s Catholic Primary School, we aim to promote positive mental health and well-being for our whole school community. This includes the positive mental health and well-being for our children, staff, parents and carers.
Positive mental health and well-being is vital for all and impacts directly on our every day lives and our capacity to realise and celebrate our abilities, our ability to achieve and our ability to thrive as productive members of the communities in which we live in and serve.
At St. Paul’s we recognise that children’s positive mental health and well-being are key components which promote learning, achievement and a positive sense of self.
We recognise that everyone will experience highs and lows in life and that some will experience significant life events and challenges.
We aim to help our children to build resilience, develop strategies for helping to recognise and take positive action where ill mental health and well-being is experienced.
We strive to be an inclusive where all children, staff, parents and carers feel:
•A sense of value
•Feel safe and have a secure and well developed sense of belonging
•Confidence to talk openly with trusted adults
•Reassured that mental ill health happens to all – there is no stigma
•Positive mental health and well-being is at the core of everything we do
•Positive mental health and well-being is valued and actively promoted
•That all feelings should be recognised and supported to promote positive outcomes
•Mental Health and Well-being Policy (coming soon)
Our Mental Health Champions are:
Mrs Caffrey |
Mrs Williams |