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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.



Science Club

Year 5 and 6

Week 1: For our first session we conducted an egg drop. We tried to protect our eggs using only 2 materials and then we dropped our eggs from 3 different heights. Firstly, we dropped them from the ramp in the playground, then from the playground steps and finally from the Year 5 classroom window! We had great fun and two of our eggs survived! Well done!

Week 2: This week we played with skittles and managed to take the colouring out of them using water. The colours didn’t mix and made some wonderful patterns. We also got to eat a few skittles during the experiment too. Have a look at our amazing photos!

Week 3: During this session we looked at some engineering and attempted to make some bridges using lollipop sticks and art straws. Unfortunately we don’t have any photos as we didn’t get them finished but we had a good go and a lot of fun. 

Week 4: This week we completed some of our bridges which resulted in 3 standing bridges! Then we went on to look at chemical reactions. Using glow sticks, we tested the brightness of them in different temperatures of water. It was clear that the hotter the water, the brighter the glow stick and the colder the water, the duller it was. Here are some photos below!

Science Club

Year 3 and 4

Week 1: During this first session we made rainbows out of blank CD roms. We made reflectors which we then hung outside in our outdoor learning area. When the sun shines on our creations the light bounces off and makes beautiful rainbows.

Week 2: This week we have explored chemical reactions. Using lots of Diet Coke and Mentos we watched the chemical reactions happen between the two elements and the Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the air. We had so much fun!

Week 3: during this week we went outside on an Autumn walk around the school grounds looking for signs of the seasons changing. We then went into class and created some amazing posters which are now on display outside years 5 and 6! 

Week 4: we have looked at colour mixing  this week and used food colouring to make secondary colours. Some of the experiments worked but a few just didn’t quite perform how we wanted. It also took some time so new photos will be added shortly with the results! 

Week 5: This week we had a paper aeroplane competition whilst investigating streamlining and air resistance. We found out that the thinner the wings, the further the plane went!

Week 6: During our final session together we had an explore with circuits. We managed to make circuits with more than one bulb, buzzers, motors and switches. It was a lot of fun!