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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.



Miss Barton and Mrs Kaur welcome Year 3 back for the Spring term!

Our Class Saint

St Francis of Assisi

      St Francis was born in Assisi, Italy. His family were very wealthy and St Francis spent his money on expensive clothes and food. One day, whilst out riding on his horse, St Francis came across a poor, sick man. Usually, he would have turned away, but this time, St Francis got off his horse, gave the man his cloak and kissed his cheek.

St Francis started going to church every day. As he prayed in a chapel, he heard a voice say, "Francis, repair my Church." Thinking that God was telling him to repair the chapel, St Francis used his father's money and goods to rebuild it. His father was very angry and had his son arrested for stealing. St Francis returned all of the money and goods. He even stripped off all of the clothes he was wearing and gave them back to his father! A Bishop quickly covered him with an old tunic. St Francis continued to wear the old tunic for the rest of his life.

From then on, St Francis lived in poverty. He realised that when God asked him to, "Repair my Church," he meant the Catholic Church around the world. Listening to God, St Francis worked to make the Church better by speaking up for the poor and looking after them.

Feast day: October 4th

Patron Saint of: the environment, animals, birds and Italy

Saint Francis of Assisi Icon | eBay

Values and Virtues

In Year 3, we are focusing on being Generous and Grateful

We are Generous with our gifts and use them in the service of others. We are Generous with our time and give of ourselves to serve others as God wants us to. We are Generous with our actions, doing things to help other people and make a difference in the world.

We are Grateful for the gifts God has given to us, for the gifts of other people and the blessings of each new day. We are thankful for what we have and for the people around us.

Catholic Social Teaching

Our Catholic Social Teaching is Solidarity

In Year 3, we know that we are stronger if we stand together. We think about St Paul's letter to the Corinthians where he writes, "If one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or when one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it." 

This tells us that we should stand together and support each other through everything.


Unit D - Christmas

We will know the story of the shepherds and how they reacted to the news of Christ's birth. We will be able to empathise with the feelings and reactions of the shepherds at this event. We will know that the Crib is an important symbol of prayer and devotion.

Unit J - The Eucharist is a thanksgiving to God

We will be able to sequence the Liturgy of the Eucharist and discuss the different words and actions associated with this part of Mass. We will understand that this is a celebration of thanksgiving for the death and resurrection of Christ who is present in the form of bread and wine.


This term, we will be focusing on Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter, Fractions, Mass and Capacity.


We will be focusing on Narratives.

Wider Curriculum

Science: Forces and Magnets

History: Anglo Saxons

Geography: Settlements

My Happy Mind: Meet your brain




Class Notices

  • Tuesday is PE day.
  • Please read for 10 minutes everyday and sign your child's diary everyday.
  • Spelling test and Maths test every Monday.
  • Please bring a bottle of water to school everyday.



Thank you for your continued support!