Welcome to Year 4
Welcome To Year 4
Miss Grinnell, Mrs Plant and Mrs Allen
Values and Virtues
In Year 4, we are focusing on being Attentive and Discerning.
Attentive and Discerning
Pupils are growing to be attentive to their experience and to their vocation; and discerning about the choices they make and the effects of those choices.
Catholic Social Teaching
Our Catholic Social Teaching is Family and Community
God made us to be part of communities, families and countries, so all people can share and help each other. We are called to work for the good of each and of all.
This half term our first unit is Lent, Living as followers of Jesus today. In this unit we will explore some of the customs and practices associated with the celebration of the Season of Lent. Through the life and teaching of Christ we will learn about prayer, fasting and alms giving and the forgiveness that God offers to those who believe in him.
Our next unit will be Holy Week. In this unit we will develop our knowledge and understanding of the story of Christ's passion and death. We will have opportunities to reflect upon circumstances and reasons for his death.
This half-term, we will be linking our writing to last terms Geography on the UK and will be using this as a platform to write a non-chronological report. We will report facts about the UK and its features.
This half term, we will be learning about length and perimeter. We will also learn about fractions. Along side this we will be also focusing on learning and practising our time tables.
Our topics for the wider Curriculum:
Science - Sounds
History - Stuarts - Charles I and the Civil War
Geography - Mediterranean Europe
Art - Space
Class notices
- We have PE on a Wednesday so full kit must be worn in school.
- Water bottles are to be brought into school and taken home each day.
- Reading books and diaries are to be taken home each night and diaries to be signed each night.
- Spellings are given every Friday in their reading diaries for a spelling test on the following Friday.
- We love Times Table Rock Stars! Please use it at home. https://ttrockstars.com/login and check your timestables on https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/
- Remember! Excellent handwriting means that you can earn the right to use a pen in class! Keep practising!