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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

In the family of St Paul's, we live and learn with Jesus' loving arms around us.




Learning about grammar is learning about language and about how meaning is created through the choices we make. It is a way of looking at the way the English language works and the possibilities it gives us for making our writing powerful. Therefore, lessons need to generate curiosity, encourage a playful approach to language, provide opportunities to experience rich and diverse texts and explore the choices that writers make in creating their texts.

The National Curriculum is broken down into strands and each strand contains small, progressive steps across Years 1 - 6 to ensure that all NC expectations are met by the end of Y2, Y4 and Y6.

Strand 1 – Different ways to construct sentences

Strand 2 – Nouns and noun phrases

Strand 3 – Adverbials

Strand 4 – Verbs

Strand 5 – Cohesion

Strand 6 – Punctuation


See APPENDIX 1 for year group progression within each strand.


The learning in strands 1, 2, 3 and 4 is differentiated for each year group and strands 5 and 6 are integrated into all four as punctuation and cohesion cannot be taught separately.

Grammar should not be taught in isolation so teachers ensure that all learning activities are set in the context of the text that the class are studying at that time or, if this is not possible, alternative authentic texts with good models of writing and real purposes of writing are also available.

Clear assessment criteria explain what mastering each year group/key stage looks like and what pupils should understand and be able to do. Assessment activities are used at the end of each strand. However, it is vital that the children can move on from showing an awareness of these features in their grammar lessons to a much deeper and genuine understanding of how they can use them for effect in their own writing. They will use the correct terminology to explain their choices and their impact. This application of grammar is assessed through the termly writing assessment criteria for each year group.



Strand 1 – Different ways to construct sentences (simple sentences, co-ordination and subordination, sentence types)

Strand 2 – Nouns and noun phrases


Strand 3 – Adverbials

Strand 4 – Verbs

Strand 5 – Cohesion

Strand 6 – Punctuation